
How to Stay Focused in Order to Achieve Peace of Mind

How to Stay Focused in Order to Achieve Peace of Mind

If you’ve been struggling with anxiety, stress, or depression then the phrase “peace of mind” might sound like something from a fairytale. But I can assure you that “peace of mind” really does exist. And not only that, it’s something that you can accomplish in your own life. Some people mistakenly believe that peace of mind is something that you only experience when things in your life are trouble-free, but that’s not true.

How Practicing Mindfulness Can Change Your Life

How Practicing Mindfulness Can Change Your Life

“Mindfulness” is a word that’s gotten a lot of attention lately. It sounds good, it’s usually accompanied by calming images that look very appealing, and most of us accept on principle that mindfulness must be a good thing. If you have a sense that mindfulness is something that you need more of—but you’re a little sheepish to admit that you’re not entirely sure exactly what it is—don’t worry. You are so not alone.