
When You Love an Addict – 6 Things You Should Know

When You Love an Addict – 6 Things You Should Know

All relationships go through ups and downs. It’s normal. They are made up of two imperfect people trying to make it work together. But when you add addiction into the relationship it takes those “normal” ups and downs and turns them into a wild rollercoaster that leaves you feeling like you are barely hanging on. The good times provide you with just enough hope that you start to believe it really is going to get better. But then a bad time comes and you aren’t sure what to do. If you didn’t love them it would be easy to walk away. But you do, so you feel at a loss of how to handle the situation. Below are 6 things you should know when you love an addict.

Holiday Stress: 5 Tips to Manage It This Year

Holiday Stress: 5 Tips to Manage It This Year

It seems like the holiday season starts earlier and earlier every year. Once September hits the aisles throughout stores become an odd mix of decorations for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all at once. Then November 1st rolls around and homes become a mix of pilgrims and pumpkin spice with Christmas trees and Jingle Bells. Along with the decorations, there seems to come am an expectation that everyone should be happy and overjoyed during the holidays. But, for many, this isn’t the case because “the most wonderful time of the year” brings with it a lot of holiday stress. If this is you, you don’t need to let the stress of the season steal your joy.

Managing Anxiety Around the Holidays: 6 Tips for Inner Peace

Managing Anxiety Around the Holidays: 6 Tips for Inner Peace

It’s that time of year! Our anxiety levels almost always rise around the holidays. You want to get everyone the perfect gifts, you want to plan the perfect holiday meals and events, you want to decorate your home, you love sending out holiday cards, you have several holiday parties to attend and prepare for and you want to see your loved ones feel the joy of the season. It is overwhelming even for the best of planners. If you are looking to make sure that you manage this time of year with grace and less chaos, here are 6 tips to help you do just that.

Living a Valued Life: 5 Steps to Clarify Your Values

Living a Valued Life: 5 Steps to Clarify Your Values

Your life is important. We all have moments of doubt and fear that can make us feel small, inferior and unworthy. These thoughts do not control us and they have no power over us. We can choose to live a valued and purposeful life that has meaning and invigorates our spirit. Here are some steps that you can take right now to live in accordance with your values, goals and dreams.

New Mom Self-Care 101

New Mom Self-Care 101

The first year of motherhood, specifically with your first, are like nothing you’ve ever experienced before or ever will again. The change of hormones, your new life, your new baby, the demands, the love, the challenges and getting to know and accept the new you. Your new body, your new life. The new you that you have to grow into without losing your womanhood and growing into motherhood. Apparently we’re supposed to do this all gracefully, effortlessly even.